Open Dollar May Highlights

Here we’ll recap the month’s most important developments and news from the Open Dollar protocol.


Vault Keeper Program

The Vault Keeper Program has officially begun! 🥳

🔩 Earn Bolts and get rewarded for using and promoting the Open Dollar protocol

Bolts are accumulated daily and the first season will conclude on August 21st. For full details, see our blog announcement.

For a quick overview and tips, see this thread and infographic courtesy of Eli5DeFi.

Earn page and Camelot Nitro Pool

Introducing the Earn page, featuring Camelot Nitro Pool incentives, powered by Gamma.

For 2 months, you can earn ODG and ARB rewards for LP’ing with the OD/ETH pool, in addition to earning bolts!

For full details, see our blog announcement.

Open Dollar crosses $1m in TVL

We crossed the $1M mark in TVL less than 4 weeks from our mainnet launch and are continuing to climb!

See our latest stats here.

Open Dollar listed on Arbitrum Portal

We’re now listed on the official Portal!

Open Dollar is featured alongside the top apps on the Arbitrum network under the stablecoin category.

See listing.

Open Dollar Protocol Listed on DeBank

One of our awesome community members, dj_niceboi_sweater, initiated a proposal to add our app to DeBank. The community voted, and we're now listed!

See our listing on Debank.


Open Dollar Becomes the Largest Arbitrum-chain Stablecoin by TVL

With 100% of our TVL on Arbitrum, we've become the leader for stablecoins only on Arbitrum just weeks after launch.

... and we're just getting started!

Open Dollar Becomes one of the Largest Delegates on Arbitrum DAO

Open Dollar DAO became the 141st largest delegate on Arbitrum.

More users are depositing ARB into Open Dollar to borrow the OD stablecoin.

Every time that happens, those tokens are delegated to the Open Dollar DAO.

See our delegate profile.

Open Dollar Attends Consensus

Our team attended Consensus this year to meet and chat with both current partners and prospective new ones.

It was a fun and productive trip, we're looking forward to our next event!

Open Dollar App Walkthrough

Learn how to create your first vault in under 90 seconds! ⏰

This quick video guide covers the basics of vault creation, depositing collateral, and borrowing $OD

🎥 Watch:

TwitterSpace - DAO Mechanics with Aragon

We had a great talk with Aragon about modern DAO design!

If you participate in governance or want to know what the future of DAOs might look like, this was a talk you don't want to miss.

Community Call with Rocket Pool

We were invited to introduce Open Dollar to the Rocket Pool community in their Discord-hosted Community Call.

We had fun and fielded some great questions about Open Dollar with the community of our most popular collateral type.

TwitterSpace with Giveth

We were invited by Giveth to share what Open Dollar is up to after we supported their Quadratic Matching round for public goods.

We're happy to support such awesome initiatives in the space and excited to see the positive impact they'll have!

Listen to the recording here.

TwitterSpace with Treegens

After we sponsored Jimi to successfully break the Guiness World Record for most trees planted in one day by an individual, he invited us to join him to spread the word to his community about how Open Dollar is transforming the future of DeFi.

Listen to the recording here.

Twitterspace - AAVE V4

We were joined by two of the best in DeFi and lending for a space on AAVE's upcoming V4: Kieran at Teller and DeFi Devin from Gamma Swap.

If you missed it, you can listen to the recording here.

Newsletter exclusive content - Upcoming Events

May was certainly an exciting month for us, but we're just getting started!

If you haven’t signed up for our newsletter yet, you’re missing exclusive sneak peeks at what’s coming next, only for subscribers!

Head over to our website and sign up today so you can stay informed with our upcoming events.

Also, be sure to try our app and follow us on our socials to stay up to date with all the latest developments. Thank you for your support!

-The Open Dollar team

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